Letter from the Director

Welcome to the Pilgrimage and Encampment, our commemoration of the Continental Army’s original‬ encampment here during the Revolutionary War. The Pilgrimage portion provides learning opportunities of that era as‬‭ well as modern times via a round-robin course. The Leader’s Guide should provide you with all the information‬‭ needed to have an enjoyable, safe outing. Please review it carefully and share it with your leadership, parents, and‬‭ youth.‬

‭The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania website tells us that Fort Washington State Park and the community of‬ Fort Washington take their name from the temporary fort built here by soldiers of the American Revolution in the fall‬‭ of 1777. Whitemarsh, as the area was called then, was the scene of the encampment of 12,000 soldiers of General‬‭ Washington’s army from November 2 until December 11, 1777. Following the unsuccessful battle of Germantown,‬‭ Washington chose the heights of the Whitemarsh Valley as an easily defendable position. From here, he pondered the‬‭ possibility of launching an attack against General Howe’s British army in Philadelphia. Although Washington‬‭ decided against an attack, the British marched out from Philadelphia on December 5 to try to engage the Americans‬‭ in battle. Because of Washington’s strong position, only local skirmishes took place. After much marching back and‬‭ forth, Howe led his army back to Philadelphia on December 8. Knowing his poorly clad men needed better quarters,‬‭ and also to protect the iron forges and foundries in the Schuylkill Valley, Washington left Whitemarsh on December‬‭ 11, 1777, and marched the Continental Army to Valley Forge.‬

‭Our Encampment is both similar to and different from Washington’s encampments. We come fully supplied‬‭ with modern equipment and plenty of rations. However, we still face the uncertainty of weather conditions –‭ anywhere from very cold to downright warm; and dry, snowing or raining. Day visitors to the Pilgrimage need to take‬‭ weather conditions into consideration, too. Although you will only be here for the day, improper dress or inadequate‬‭ food or water can make your day miserable.‬

‭Please also study our activity policies and procedures. Some come from our host facility, others are local‬ municipal ordinances as well as the principles of the Scout Oath and Law and are meant to ensure that the Pilgrimage‬‭ and Encampment operates safely, effectively, and enjoyably for everyone.‬

‭If you have any questions concerning the Pilgrimage and Encampment, please do not hesitate to contact us. The P&E Committee is made up of volunteers who are willing to assist you. Thanks, and see you there!‬

‭Yours in Scouting,‬

‭Barry Kauffman‬‭
P&E Director‬